"Staff plan effectively for each child's learning and next steps. They know children well. They plan enjoyable activities that provide challenge to help children continue to make progress across the areas of learning."
"Children are happy at this inclusive and welcoming nursery. They clearly show they feel safe, have a sense of belonging and have their individual needs met well. Staff are very kind, caring and attentive to all children. "
"Children show a positive attitude to their activities and learning. They are curious and eager to take part."
"Children's personal development is promoted well. Relationships within the nursery between staff and children are very positive"
"Children make good progress in all areas of learning and development in a stimulating and welcoming environment. Children’s personal, social and emotional development is given a very high priority. All children are settled, happy and confident"
"Children are interested in and motivated by the good range of activities and they behave very well. They listen to staff, who are good role models for them. "